1. What kind of developer do you want to be?

I want to be a developer who takes responsibility for my work.
Thus, I want to be a developer to whom others are willing to assign tasks.

2. What is the values you think important in life?

1. Patient

When doing tasks, I believe the most important values for success are patience and a clear purpose.
I think these values apply not just to tasks, but to everything in life.
Although proper compromise is important too, I believe our initial mindset should be built on these values.

2. Respect the others

I always keep in mind the sentence:
“If I want to be respected by others, I have to be a person who can respect others first.”
I think a person who behaves respectfully towards others is a real adult.

3. Why you make this blog?

I want to test my values through this blog.
In short, this blog is a way to show how I practice the values of “patience” and “clear purpose”.
I also want to set the direction for where I should go by accepting feedback while working on this blog.
I want to freely post about my life, not just about my studies.